万博地址,担任助理教授. 他的主要教学职责包括普通化学, 无机化学与生物化学. He is an avid promoter of technology in the classroom and uses online homework and a “flipped” classroom model to promote student learning. 在万博地址的第一年. 案件被判赔偿127美元,000 DRP Target Faculty Grant from the SC IDeA Networks of Biomedical 研究 Excellence. 除了, he was selected as the 2017 recipient of the South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (SCICU) Excellence in Teaching Award. He currently serves as a Councilor for the South Carolina Academy of Science and is an active member of the American Chemical Society. 业余时间,他喜欢打网球、跑步和旅游. 学术 & 研究活动 Dr. 情况下’s research interests fall within the broad areas of separation science, 光谱学, 电化学和化学教育. His research at Converse explores the development of first-generation biosensors for the detection of galactose and other small molecules implicated in various molecular diseases. His work has an ultimate goal of identifying potential biosensor components that can serve as templates for targeting an array of biological analytes. 选定的出版物 & 演讲 First Generation Amperometric Biosensing of Galactose with Xerogel-Carbon Nanotube Layer-by-Layer Assemblies. Labban N., Wayu, M.斯蒂尔,C.*,穆尼奥斯,T.波洛克,J.情况下,W. & 利奥波德,M. "First Generation Amperometric Biosensing of Galactose with Xerogel-Carbon Nanotube Layer-by-Layer Assemblies." 纳米材料, (2019): 9, 42 (*万博地址本科合著者). Nanomaterial Adsorption Platforms for Electron Transfer Studies of Galactose Oxidase. Wayu, MB, Pannell, M.J.情况下,W.S. & 利奥波德,M.C "Nanomaterial Adsorption Platforms for Electron Transfer Studies of Galactose Oxidase." 生物电化学. (2019): 125, 116. 化学的艺术. 情况下,W.伊泽尔,D. "化学的艺术". 科学教师. (2017年12月). McGown L., & 情况下,W. (2011). 用于DNA分离的鸟苷凝胶. In 分析化学中的界面和界面相 (第十章). 华盛顿特区:ACS出版社. 情况下,W.迈耶斯,W., & 高盛,E. (2008). 化学141实验室手册. Academx出版. 情况下,W.格林纳特,K.拉巴奇,S., & McGown L. (2007). 鸟嘌呤凝胶用于多态ssDNA的序列依赖分离. 电泳,28岁, 3008. INBRE文摘 研究 into biosensor development continues to gain widespread interest due to its role in several clinical and industrial applications. Enzyme-based, electrochemical biosensors have become a prevalent subdivision of the field and offer a promising method for the signaling of molecules that often serve as biomarkers in disease detection. 具体地说, “1st generation” methods are becoming viable strategies for the amperometric sensing of biomolecules. 在这个方案中, an analyte reacts with a specific oxidase enzyme to generate hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), 过氧化物随后在工作电极上被氧化. The generated signal is therefore an indirect measure of the amount of analyte present. The work proposed herein 将 study the development of a 1st generation biosensor for the detection of galactose, 对半乳糖血症的诊断有潜在的应用价值. This disease is a genetic disorder associated with a comprised ability to metabolize the galactose sugar and can be fatal if not detected early. The proposed work 将 present a novel diagnostic method since the sugar itself 将 be targeted, thus differing from current clinical methods that target the enzymes involved in the sugar’s metabolism. 研究 planned for the granting period 将 investigate optimum conditions for enzyme immobilization and signal selectivity. First generation biosensing hinges upon incorporating an enzyme into a scaffold that 将 protect its native structure and function. Xerogels created from silane precursors 将 be examined in this work as potential matrices for enzyme immobilization and subsequent catalysis. 干凝胶具有许多吸引人的特性,包括化学惰性, 刚性, 在水溶液中溶胀可以忽略不计. Platinum electrodes modified with galactose oxidase (GAOx) embedded xerogels 将 be examined for their ability to detect galactose through a 1st generation sensing mechanism. Their viability as potential scaffolds 将 be determined by examining key sensing parameters, 包括对半乳糖的反应时间, 半乳糖浓度变化的线性动态范围, 以及传感器对糖分子的固有敏感性. The use of silane precursors with different “R” groups 将 allow us to examine how xerogel structural features (film porosity and hydrophobicity) may affect biosensor performance. 除了, the conditions under which xerogel films are dried/aged 将 be examined to determine if a set of optimum experimental parameters exist for film formation. Results from the above studies 将 guide experimentation into the use of multiple xerogel layers in sensor design. Previous work in biosensing has shown that a layer-by-layer (L-B-L) approach can result in amperometric signal enhancement. Sensors consisting of both an enzyme doped xerogel layer and a non-enzyme layer 将 be explored for their effect on the aforementioned sensing parameters. 混合干凝胶层的使用也被设想为这项工作的一部分. The ability of the proposed sensor to selectively target galactose 将 also be investigated through the incorporation of outer membranes into biosensor design. Polyphenol (PP) and polyurethane (PU) blended layers 将 be examined as potential outer layers capable of allowing the selective passage of galactose and O2 while preventing the passage of interferent molecules common in clinical or endogenous settings.' name="description"/> 万博地址,担任助理教授. 他的主要教学职责包括普通化学, 无机化学与生物化学. He is an avid promoter of technology in the classroom and uses online homework and a “flipped” classroom model to promote student learning. 在万博地址的第一年. 案件被判赔偿127美元,000 DRP Target Faculty Grant from the SC IDeA Networks of Biomedical 研究 Excellence. 除了, he was selected as the 2017 recipient of the South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (SCICU) Excellence in Teaching Award. He currently serves as a Councilor for the South Carolina Academy of Science and is an active member of the American Chemical Society. 业余时间,他喜欢打网球、跑步和旅游. 学术 & 研究活动 Dr. 情况下’s research interests fall within the broad areas of separation science, 光谱学, 电化学和化学教育. His research at Converse explores the development of first-generation biosensors for the detection of galactose and other small molecules implicated in various molecular diseases. His work has an ultimate goal of identifying potential biosensor components that can serve as templates for targeting an array of biological analytes. 选定的出版物 & 演讲 First Generation Amperometric Biosensing of Galactose with Xerogel-Carbon Nanotube Layer-by-Layer Assemblies. Labban N., Wayu, M.斯蒂尔,C.*,穆尼奥斯,T.波洛克,J.情况下,W. & 利奥波德,M. "First Generation Amperometric Biosensing of Galactose with Xerogel-Carbon Nanotube Layer-by-Layer Assemblies." 纳米材料, (2019): 9, 42 (*万博地址本科合著者). Nanomaterial Adsorption Platforms for Electron Transfer Studies of Galactose Oxidase. Wayu, MB, Pannell, M.J.情况下,W.S. & 利奥波德,M.C "Nanomaterial Adsorption Platforms for Electron Transfer Studies of Galactose Oxidase." 生物电化学. (2019): 125, 116. 化学的艺术. 情况下,W.伊泽尔,D. "化学的艺术". 科学教师. (2017年12月). McGown L., & 情况下,W. (2011). 用于DNA分离的鸟苷凝胶. In 分析化学中的界面和界面相 (第十章). 华盛顿特区:ACS出版社. 情况下,W.迈耶斯,W., & 高盛,E. (2008). 化学141实验室手册. Academx出版. 情况下,W.格林纳特,K.拉巴奇,S., & McGown L. (2007). 鸟嘌呤凝胶用于多态ssDNA的序列依赖分离. 电泳,28岁, 3008. INBRE文摘 研究 into biosensor development continues to gain widespread interest due to its role in several clinical and industrial applications. Enzyme-based, electrochemical biosensors have become a prevalent subdivision of the field and offer a promising method for the signaling of molecules that often serve as biomarkers in disease detection. 具体地说, “1st generation” methods are becoming viable strategies for the amperometric sensing of biomolecules. 在这个方案中, an analyte reacts with a specific oxidase enzyme to generate hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), 过氧化物随后在工作电极上被氧化. The generated signal is therefore an indirect measure of the amount of analyte present. The work proposed herein 将 study the development of a 1st generation biosensor for the detection of galactose, 对半乳糖血症的诊断有潜在的应用价值. This disease is a genetic disorder associated with a comprised ability to metabolize the galactose sugar and can be fatal if not detected early. The proposed work 将 present a novel diagnostic method since the sugar itself 将 be targeted, thus differing from current clinical methods that target the enzymes involved in the sugar’s metabolism. 研究 planned for the granting period 将 investigate optimum conditions for enzyme immobilization and signal selectivity. First generation biosensing hinges upon incorporating an enzyme into a scaffold that 将 protect its native structure and function. Xerogels created from silane precursors 将 be examined in this work as potential matrices for enzyme immobilization and subsequent catalysis. 干凝胶具有许多吸引人的特性,包括化学惰性, 刚性, 在水溶液中溶胀可以忽略不计. Platinum electrodes modified with galactose oxidase (GAOx) embedded xerogels 将 be examined for their ability to detect galactose through a 1st generation sensing mechanism. Their viability as potential scaffolds 将 be determined by examining key sensing parameters, 包括对半乳糖的反应时间, 半乳糖浓度变化的线性动态范围, 以及传感器对糖分子的固有敏感性. The use of silane precursors with different “R” groups 将 allow us to examine how xerogel structural features (film porosity and hydrophobicity) may affect biosensor performance. 除了, the conditions under which xerogel films are dried/aged 将 be examined to determine if a set of optimum experimental parameters exist for film formation. Results from the above studies 将 guide experimentation into the use of multiple xerogel layers in sensor design. Previous work in biosensing has shown that a layer-by-layer (L-B-L) approach can result in amperometric signal enhancement. Sensors consisting of both an enzyme doped xerogel layer and a non-enzyme layer 将 be explored for their effect on the aforementioned sensing parameters. 混合干凝胶层的使用也被设想为这项工作的一部分. The ability of the proposed sensor to selectively target galactose 将 also be investigated through the incorporation of outer membranes into biosensor design. Polyphenol (PP) and polyurethane (PU) blended layers 将 be examined as potential outer layers capable of allowing the selective passage of galactose and O2 while preventing the passage of interferent molecules common in clinical or endogenous settings.' property="og:description"/>

威廉年代. 情况下

临时教务长,学生成功副教务长,科学主任 & 教育,尼斯比特荣誉万博下载ios


Dr. 凯斯于2015年加入万博地址,担任助理教授. 他的主要教学职责包括普通化学, 无机化学与生物化学. He is an avid promoter of technology in the classroom and uses online homework and a “flipped” classroom model to promote student learning.

万博地址的第一年. 案件被判赔偿127美元,000 DRP Target Faculty Grant from the SC IDeA Networks of Biomedical 研究 Excellence. 除了, he was selected as the 2017 recipient of the South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (SCICU) Excellence in Teaching Award. He currently serves as a Councilor for the South Carolina Academy of Science and is an active member of the American Chemical Society. 业余时间,他喜欢打网球、跑步和旅游.

学术 & 研究活动

Dr. 情况下’s research interests fall within the broad areas of separation science, 光谱学, 电化学和化学教育. His research at Converse explores the development of first-generation biosensors for the detection of galactose and other small molecules implicated in various molecular diseases. His work has an ultimate goal of identifying potential biosensor components that can serve as templates for targeting an array of biological analytes.

选定的出版物 & 演讲

First Generation Amperometric Biosensing of Galactose with Xerogel-Carbon Nanotube Layer-by-Layer Assemblies. Labban N., Wayu, M.斯蒂尔,C.*,穆尼奥斯,T.波洛克,J.情况下,W. & 利奥波德,M. “First Generation Amperometric Biosensing of Galactose with Xerogel-Carbon Nanotube Layer-by-Layer Assemblies.” 纳米材料, (2019): 9, 42 (*万博地址本科合著者).

Nanomaterial Adsorption Platforms for Electron Transfer Studies of Galactose Oxidase. Wayu, MB, Pannell, M.J.情况下,W.S. & 利奥波德,M.C “Nanomaterial Adsorption Platforms for Electron Transfer Studies of Galactose Oxidase.” 生物电化学. (2019): 125, 116.

化学的艺术. 情况下,W.伊泽尔,D. 《万博地址》. 科学教师. (2017年12月).

McGown L., & 情况下,W. (2011). 用于DNA分离的鸟苷凝胶. In 分析化学中的界面和界面相 (第十章). 华盛顿特区:ACS出版社.

情况下,W.迈耶斯,W., & 高盛,E. (2008). 化学141实验室手册. Academx出版.

情况下,W.格林纳特,K.拉巴奇,S., & McGown L. (2007). 鸟嘌呤凝胶用于多态ssDNA的序列依赖分离. 电泳,28岁, 3008.


研究 into biosensor development continues to gain widespread interest due to its role in several clinical and industrial applications. Enzyme-based, electrochemical biosensors have become a prevalent subdivision of the field and offer a promising method for the signaling of molecules that often serve as biomarkers in disease detection. 具体地说, “1st generation” methods are becoming viable strategies for the amperometric sensing of biomolecules. 在这个方案中, an analyte reacts with a specific oxidase enzyme to generate hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), 过氧化物随后在工作电极上被氧化. The generated signal is therefore an indirect measure of the amount of analyte present.

The work proposed herein 将 study the development of a 1st generation biosensor for the detection of galactose, 对半乳糖血症的诊断有潜在的应用价值. This disease is a genetic disorder associated with a comprised ability to metabolize the galactose sugar and can be fatal if not detected early. The proposed work 将 present a novel diagnostic method since the sugar itself 将 be targeted, thus differing from current clinical methods that target the enzymes involved in the sugar’s metabolism. 研究 planned for the granting period 将 investigate optimum conditions for enzyme immobilization and signal selectivity.

First generation biosensing hinges upon incorporating an enzyme into a scaffold that 将 protect its native structure and function. Xerogels created from silane precursors 将 be examined in this work as potential matrices for enzyme immobilization and subsequent catalysis. 干凝胶具有许多吸引人的特性,包括化学惰性, 刚性, 在水溶液中溶胀可以忽略不计. Platinum electrodes modified with galactose oxidase (GAOx) embedded xerogels 将 be examined for their ability to detect galactose through a 1st generation sensing mechanism. Their viability as potential scaffolds 将 be determined by examining key sensing parameters, 包括对半乳糖的反应时间, 半乳糖浓度变化的线性动态范围, 以及传感器对糖分子的固有敏感性. The use of silane precursors with different “R” groups 将 allow us to examine how xerogel structural features (film porosity and hydrophobicity) may affect biosensor performance. 除了, the conditions under which xerogel films are dried/aged 将 be examined to determine if a set of optimum experimental parameters exist for film formation.

Results from the above studies 将 guide experimentation into the use of multiple xerogel layers in sensor design. Previous work in biosensing has shown that a layer-by-layer (L-B-L) approach can result in amperometric signal enhancement. Sensors consisting of both an enzyme doped xerogel layer and a non-enzyme layer 将 be explored for their effect on the aforementioned sensing parameters. 混合干凝胶层的使用也被设想为这项工作的一部分.

The ability of the proposed sensor to selectively target galactose 将 also be investigated through the incorporation of outer membranes into biosensor design. Polyphenol (PP) and polyurethane (PU) blended layers 将 be examined as potential outer layers capable of allowing the selective passage of galactose and O2 while preventing the passage of interferent molecules common in clinical or endogenous settings.